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It is easy to blame other people, but when we do that, we have no power to change. Taking ownership of your feelings is important because it empowers you to decide what happens next in your life....
Sometimes it feels like we have no control over our lives, but that doesn't mean we don't. Sometimes I wonder how much control we have over our lives. I've spent a lot of time thinking about this,...
Why is it important to know yourself? I've ignored my feelings for most of my life and went along with what everyone else was saying. Recently, I've gained confidence which has enabled me to take...
I had no idea who I was most of the time while growing up. But with conversations with other people, it seems like everyone goes through similar phases. Growing up, we aren't taught to think about...
Some people seem to have it all figured out, but most people actually aren't sure. For a long time, I had absolutely no idea what to do with my life, and even to this day, I still have some...
Regret is worse than failure; I can say this because I've always wanted to build an online business but hadn't focused on it until recently. Now that I'm working towards that goal, my only regret is...