It is difficult to know what fake even means these days. If you are like me, you might have noticed that the world around us appears fake. It seems like everything is an advertisement for a...
Archives: Blog
You will feel more regret that you didn't try, rather than if you had failed. We all find ourselves in this senseless world, trying to live a respectable way, but what way is that? The only answer...
Our parents will always have influence over our lives, but they aren't always right. Our parents always advise us while we are growing up, but that doesn't mean they are right. The truth is they...
Sometimes we feel like water boiling in a pot In a perfect world, we would all be free to be who we are, it wouldn't affect anyone else, and no one would care if we were different. But...
Everyone wants you to be reliable, but you have to know when it goes to far. Yes, it is easy to become too reliable if you are always willing to give in to others' wants and needs. On top of...
It is important to have drive and know where you are going. Being driven is an excellent quality, but it is crucial to recognize that everyone is different. Some people are driven from birth,...