It is difficult to know what fake even means these days. If you are like me, you might have noticed that the world around us appears fake. It seems like everything is an advertisement for a...
Category: Learning
It is important to have drive and know where you are going. Being driven is an excellent quality, but it is crucial to recognize that everyone is different. Some people are driven from birth,...
If we don't follow our dreams, we will never see what our lives can be. At some point, you've heard someone say, "follow your dreams." And while it might have seemed like an empty accolade, it is...
It is easy to overthink situations and lose focus on what matters, but it doesn't have to be that way. Whenever we are doing something that feels important, it is common to overthink it, which can...
Procrastination will kill your dreams if you let it, so focus on SMART goals instead. We all struggle from time to time to fulfill our dreams, but when we have a procrastination problem,...
We don't choose our passions, but we get to pick our hobbies. We all have activities that we enjoy doing, but it isn't easy to know if they are passions or hobbies. While the difference may not...