Self Authoring By Jordan Peterson

Self Authoring By Jordan Peterson

I’d recently been listening to one of Jordon Peterson’s talks. He had mentioned the Self Authoring Suite by Jordan PetersonOpens in a new tab.. Feeling motivated by his excellent advice, I decided to order it. After getting my login information, it took me about a week to sit down and get started.

I was having a particularly difficult week. Work was getting me down, and my life felt like my life, and my job wasn’t going anywhere.

After starting the past-authoring section, events from my past started to fill my consciousness. Getting started on the self authoring program seemed to open the floodgates to some of the deeper recesses of my mind.

Self Authoring By Jordan Peterson Helps

Jordan Peterson

I started to imagine some of the more painful events from my past, not realizing they were taking up more of my attention than I had imagined. This was an interesting observation to make about my own personal experience; I wasn’t taking it seriously cause I hadn’t realized it was a thing. It was also strange that the positive events weren’t something that I thought about as often as the negative.

Writing my memories and recounting the events was helpful, as I reconsidered them in a new light.

After writing about the events, there was a chance to make observations and criticizing the events. This later part had an amazing neutralizing effect on these events. After finishing the self authoring by Jordan Peterson, this is where the real value seems to come from.

Although I’ve given you a quick summary of what I got from the program, I want to dig a little deeper with this self authoring by Jordan Peterson review.

It Isn’t Easy It Feels Bad.

It took me a little over a week to get through everything in the program, as there was a lot to write about. I noticed during the time I felt horrible about a lot of my repressed experience from the past. At first, I didn’t understand why this was happening but later came across a video where Jordon Peterson spoke about this side effect. 

In essence, it is an emotional rollercoaster to rummage throughout pasts. The truth is that we forget about a lot of the things that we take very seriously. You might not regularly think about events from the past, but they are a part of your day to day experience regardless.

This made sense to me, as it was true, I was letting these past events affect me today, and I felt better after learning that was supposed to happen.

The exercise was taxing during the time it took to do the work. But since finishing it, I’ve felt much better about the memories that pop into my mind. The more traumatic ones are gone, and I’ve not thought about them since finishing self authoring by Jordan Peterson.

Attachment Theory & Faults and Virtues

There were also insights I had after the fact. In particular, I learned about attachment theory and how it has affected me. If you don’t know what attachment theory is, it tries to explain how we tend to deal with a social situation. 

Our typical response is based on our attachment type. That said, a lot of what explains our attachment type seems to come down to early childhood experiences and connections. Digging deeper, the most important relations seem to be with our parents. Knowing it now, it appears to explain how I’ve dealt with relationships in the past. 

Next, I did the present authoring, faults, and virtues. The faults module was helpful, although I found that many of my faults weren’t on the list, which makes sense, as the program is based on the Big 5 personality traitsOpens in a new tab., which are well studied but limited. 

The value of this part of the program is about looking at where you are now, rather than in the past.

In many ways, the past is important as it influences our actions, but more important is the way we see ourselves now regardless of the past.

While doing the virtues, I thought about who I am, what I’m good at and what I want to do. This was insightful on its own, even though it has been clear to me for a while. For me, I’ve always known what I wanted to do, but getting it out on paper in a way that I can see it helps make it more real.

At this point, I was optimistic that self authoring by Jordan Peterson would inspire me to take more action and build a better future.

Visions Of The Future

After completing these, I took some time to rest and think about how to approach future authoring. In particular, I saw two options for myself. The first is to be a writer and create a business around that. The second is technical work related to my day job.

One night, while I had been thinking about this, I had a dream where I met Jordan Peterson and asked him what to do about my dilemma. He told me I should focus on the one that matters most to me.

The next day I wrote Jordan Peterson an email asking him the same question. A few minutes later, I got an auto-reply saying he was busy and likely wouldn’t reply. Fifteen minutes later, at 12:34 (I’m slightly superstitious about numbers and numerology), he replied. “If you’re going to pursue writing as a career, make sure you have a good business plan because it is near impossible to monetize.”

With this advice, I went forward with future planning, focusing on what matters to me.

The program is time-consuming and exhausting. But after finishing, my efforts have improved, and I am more focused than ever before. Also, I have a goal again and can see what I need to do without the baggage of the past holding me back.

I’d recommend self authoring by Jordan Peterson to anyone who wants to become more self-aware.

Alternatively, if you need help clearing out some harmful or destructive thoughts, it will also help you. A program like this is a great way to get you focused on what is essential and what you need to think about to get where you need to go in your life. 

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Robert Carr

Over the years, I've learnt to see things in a different light. This website is my place to share those insights and give my unique perspective on living a meaningful life.

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